
Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Easter Weekend . .

Easter Sunday after meeting James Toseland we headed out for the day. The plan was to go to the chocolate factory but because we got there 10 minutes late they wouldn't let us on the tour which was really annoying. We travelled for 1 and 1/2 hours to get told no but it's not all bad, we got a costa coffee!! I like that place. We was going to go to toys r us because mummy was going to treat us with the day going wrong but all shops were shut. In the end we headed back to my room and just chilled out and played with my Lego. Mummy stayed at the hotel with Dee Dee and my sisters so left once I was settled.

When the ladies turned up we chilled out for an hour or so before we headed out to toys r us to get a little treat. It was freezing outside so we didn't stay out long. Ellie, Taylor and myself all got some new Lego to play with. We spent the rest of the afternoon in my room with the heater on and watching happy feet and sister act 2. Mummy started singing and dancing which was funny. I haven't been feeling myself for a few days and been unsettled and crying a lot. Mummy stayed at the hotel again that night.

Tuesday was eventful! I had 2 ladies from bluebell wood hospice come to visit me. They were doing an assessment to take to panel to see about getting some places to be able to go there. They were really lovely ladies. After they had gone and I had had my dinner time meds we headed out for the afternoon. We went back home way to do a few bits. My sugars were a big problem though. They kept going low despite being on my TPN. Mummy and Dee Dee had to sort me out. I had to go on oxygen and have 2 glucose bolus's to try correct my sugars. Mummy had to phone the hospital and get me back as soon as possible. We don't know why my sugars are playing up when I'm out, mummy's going to talk to the doctors on Thursday about it all. I slept well last night and woke at 6.30 but again, not happy and unsettled.

Today daddy and my sisters came down to see me in the morning. I love playing with daddy's car key and get excited when he turns up. Dee Dee came down in the afternoon because she had a phone call about my cosy toes for my chair. It had been delivered and was ready to be picked up so she picked mummy up and went to collect it. I also have a sun canopy and rain over for my chair too. It looks really good and is really cosy and warm now. When they got back we played for a bit before I had a bath. I don't half love baths! I like to splash Dee Dee. After that I got dressed and we headed out for tea. We went to TGI's, I like to go there. We didn't get back until half 7. I got in my bed and layer down with my quilt whilst mummy got on with my IV's and bag change. What a busy weekend it's been, it's tired me out. Tomorrow I'm just going to chill out with mummy and hopefully there will be some good films on.

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