What a lovely sunny day it's been so far. I have been laid in my bed sunbathing and flicking through the tv channels. I went down to the snoozalin room earlier as well, they put a fan in there and I loved it. I enjoyed putting my face near it. The pain has eased a bit today, I've been a lot more settled and happier. My losses are draining too which makes me more comfortable, pain makes me tense up which then prevents my losses from draining but because I'm more chilled out today they are coming out freely. It's been busy this morning, had just about everybody in my room, it's been 1 in 1 out! First thing it was the Neuro reg, followed by Gastro reg, endocrine reg, lady from social care, TPN Pete, pain nurse, pharmacy, and then endocrine nurse. The pain nurse has spoken about other pain reliefs to use as rescue meds for if we run into these problems again where my pain is up but nothing is working. she cant do that until the pain consultant is back so in the mean time she has increased one of my other regular pain medications. Intestinal failure can be painful, it's a chronic illness in which the nerves flair up at times which causes pain to go up which is what keeps happening with me so we are going to discuss a plan for when this happens so that I can be comfortable. Tonight I've got more visitors too, Daddy, Gaz and Holly are coming. I like seeing Gaz and Holly.
The endocrine nurse has explained things to mummy about when to double and triple doses of my medication and also when to do the intramuscular injection and call 999. I've been put on the paramedic ambulance service list so that they are aware of my problems, treatment needs to be given immediately which is why they are made aware incase of emergencies. They nurse is going to come back tomorrow or Thursday to go through things again and to answer any questions. Mummy said I'm going to have to get another medical alert band and also we have to carry a letter around with us about this recent problem too.
I'm in bed playing with various things and listening to the radio for a bit. All in all it's been a better day than recent days so hopefully things are settling down again.
Hi Harvey,I am glad that you have felt better today
Hi Harvey, been on a health and safety course all week. Glad its finished, hate concentrating and listening all day. I like to be "doing". Glad you are a little settled at the moment. What are you up to this weekend? Are Dee Dee, Ellie and Taylor coming? Hope you have a nice weekend. Oh its just started to rain and its so windy. Not very nice at all. Come back sun. Say hello to your mum. Love Adele xx